Tuesday, November 23, 2010

another special entry... M-Learning...

So, what is M-learning?

Well, M-learning is very new to me although I’ve heard of it before. This is because the implementation of it here in Malaysia is very scarce. M-Learning is the use of mobile devices that helps to attain knowledge other that the traditional method of paper and pencil.

M-Learning =

1) Learning takes place anywhere at any time.

2) Learning is done through a technological medium e.g. Mobile phone.

3) No more books and pen.

Today’s younger generation are rapidly attaining technology unlike us a decade ago. But try and ask anyone of them, what they really do with the technology that they have now, especially their mobile phones. A majority will answer, “To text”, “call”. Most of these youths never get the idea of using their mobile phones for instance, for learning.

And honestly, it goes the same for me. But I was raised with the traditional method of learning. This workshop has really open up a new horizon to me in attaining new knowledge. I have a smart phone, but all I do is the same with my old phone, texting and calls. But after this workshop, I started to use my phone to browse get information on topics taught previously and many more.

M-Learning is still new, but I do hope it catches on here in the Malaysian education system.

The Opportunities That You Think May Benefit You As A University Student.

For a varsity student like me, technology is very important as the knowledge moving a little bit faster than usual. It’s not only about books anymore, but the knowledge is available on the digital world. Moreover, the technology that keeps on improving day by day, and there are many apps that are develop to help us in learning. In today’s digital world, think these three item or services is essential, they are:

1) The internet

2) Laptops/Pc’s

3) Mobile phones

Out of all three items, I think mobile phones has a really huge impact if it were not invented in the first place. The evolution of mobile phones and all the apps that if offers to make lives easier are available within a single click of a button. This encourages the growth of M-learning as most mobile phones nowadays offer internet access wherever you want.

Now, what do mobile phones offer in encouraging M-Learning?

First of all, it offers us the luxury of browsing the internet at anytime and anywhere we want. This surely would help us to get the information needed on a certain subject easily rather than going to the library or switching on your laptop before starting to browse for information. Thus, time is saved.

Moreover, I could start taking notes using my mobile phones as it has a pocket Microsoft word application installed, and most phones has a note taking application. So, no more hassle with pen and papers anymore.

I could also now start to Moblog. Moblogging is taking pictures or videos using your mobile phones and uploading it instantly. During the lectures given, the teaching team once asked us to bring a camera along for the class. They then asked us to start taking pictures. Any pictures as it could help us when writing an entry for our googlesite as pictures tells a thousand words. But Moblogging requires some other platform to upload pictures or videos directly. But it’s not that hard.

Lastly, I could stream for videos over in Youtube with my phone. This help me in finding related video to the subject taught or just for me to watch any video during my leisure time that is available. Furthermore, if they were video conferencing done over the internet, this phone would surely enable me to join with the suitable application.

Overall, the topic has opened a new window for me in term of implementing technology into my own learning, and continuing it with my future student.

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