Tuesday, November 23, 2010

15th Week - Final entry

hye all!

gosh...it's already at the end of the semester and the final entry to this blog...

time sure do passes by very quickly....

with all regards, I've learned a lot from this subject....

and in this final entry, I'm required to answer and give feedbacks upon the question given...

1) What do you like about blogging?

Blogging helps me in terms of improving my writing skills. To be honest, I was never into blogging and I never thought of having one either, but this course has changed my perception on blogging and I've might as well continue writing one. Through the blog that I've wrote, I'm able to refer back to the previous lesson and also it enhance my thinking skills as I've to write some very critical entries. Although blogging has some disadvantages which I could not bare to like it,
but really it helps me a lot in improving my language skills especially in writing.
Blogging really helps me to write and express ideas at the same time. It make me thinking and thinking and improve my critical thinking skills and thought processes. I need to write every week for the whole semester and it is not for one subject
but three subject. For me, before this I take time to write,
I need to think, brainstorming some ideas and then I can start writing and may
stuck at certain point. But now, when I need to write in the blog, I just open it,
create new post and start writing what ever I have in my mind. It is not really
difficult as before. I am not struggling to write and I just need to express everything. Before this, it is hard for me to express myself but through blogging I find it really helpful in term of self-expression. Also, blogging helps me in technology skills. I learn how to make blog when
I enter this course. To be honest, I do not have any blog before and I do not have any urge to make one as before this I do not see any advantages of doing this
except of wasting time. haha... but now I'm quite addicted to it....hehe...
I also improve my typing skills and also internet skills. I learn from steps to
steps to make my blog looks beautiful, neat and make me want to read it and
also the readers hopefully and at last here it is, my PBEY 3102- Heaven of Teaching.
I am quite proud of myself, haha to be able to finally create and have my own blog.
I really learn a lot in the process of accomplishing it actually. From, creating, decorating,
adding features, changing the setting, everything are very useful for me and really
improve my skills in every way of learning.

2) What you don't like about blogging?

I don't like it as I'm required to write an entry every week...
if the entry were to be written in my own sweet time...then, that's not going to be a problem. As I've stated, I need to think critically before writing an entry as this is an educational blog, and all sort of rubbish should be avoided.

3) What have you gained from blogging?

As I mentioned earlier, blogging has improved my critical thinking and also my writing skills.


As I have to post weekly entries, I tend to respond to lessons from the classes in a way of a teacher's point of view. Critical thinking did play an important role to give my responses as I reflected through the lessons for me to post in the entries. And to channel my ideas and opinions upon what I have been learning in this subject, of course it's through writing. To post the entries, it's somehow has improved my writing skills as I tried my best to put my ideas and opinions into words so that readers out there can get the messages of what I tried to tell.

4) What do you like about this course?

This course has improved my technological skills that I know I wouldn't have the chance to learn if not it's this course that offered the opportunity to acquire the related skills in technology. In fact, the modules given were the main medium for me to learn the technological skills that later could be used in creating appropriate teaching aids for my teaching purposes. I learn from the very beginning on internet skills, especially on how to search for imformation and a lot more... Then, as time moves, I also learn on how to edit pictures, videos and also audio. I also learn on certain software that can be used in teaching an ESL classroom like Microsoft Publisher. Also, making the video is the best part. haha... I do not sleep just because of making sure that I did the best for the video including what song that I should use to make the video interesting. For that only, I took almost 2 hours to make a right choice. Whatever it is, I really ENJOY in the process of making it and also in other skills.

5) What you do not like about this course?

I would have preferred if the modules were given all at one time...so that I could just get on with my work and continue with the module without having to wait for them until the end of the semester.

6) What have you learnt from this course?

Obviously, I learned lots of technological skills from this course. Be it computer and internet skills, photo editing, audio editing, video editing etc. All this would help me prepare resources in the future for my teaching. For me, this course really help me in terms of preparing for my future. It does really help me in using technology in the classroom. before this, I never know that, there are so many ways to improve my teaching in the classroom by using technology. And the BEST thing is, it is FAST and cheap also. I do not need other thing except my Laptop and some other aids like CD and LCD projector and I think all that are provided in most school nowadays. So why wasting such a big opportunity. It does not help me financially only but also in time consuming. I do not have to take much time to prepare a technological teaching aid. I already learn on internet skills, editing pictures and audios, making videos and using software. So, why waste everything that I have learnt. I will try to treasure all the skills learnt in this course especially as my aids in teaching.

7) What have you learnt from this course that you did not expect to?

I never expected this course to deal ONLY with technology since the course title itself 'Using and Developing Resources for the ESL Classroom' gave me the first impression that I'll deal with non-technological ones.on how to use and to develop the non-technological teaching resources. I think I will only learn on a few things on what we can be using later in the classroom but it turns out that I learnt almost all the skills needed in technological field. I never though that it will be this MUCH!!! Haha.. I am glad to have learnt all that or else, I will still refrain from the technological world. I will still be using the hand made teaching aids only. Before this, what I know is using Power Point only. But, I never know that they are so much things that I can explore and utilize it to the maximum.

8) What have you expected but you do not learn from this course?

I think, I expected more on theoretically learning this subject.. Haha.. about whatare video editing and on and on.. But in the end, all what we have learnt is hands-on learning and more to independantly learning. But I love it, as if it is theoretically I might be dozzed off in the classroom rather than listening to the lecture.. So, for me, this course is MORE than what were expected.
9) Comments regarding modules:

A) Module 1 (Computer and internet skills)

1.What do you like about this module?

Most of the skills on the use of the internet in this module has already been acquired by me, but it also show some different ways of doing stuff, so that gives a variety from what I've already know which is great.

2. What do you not like about this module?

With so many applications and softwares that were to be downloaded from the internet, it somehow put my laptop security to be at risk from adwares, spywares, malwares and viruses.

3. What do you like about the task given for this module?

further enhance my internet skills

4. What do you not like about the task given for this module?


5. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

Some of the skills that I learned are downloading, uploading, converting, encoding and storing files.

6. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

It will help me choosing the suitable sources for my teaching and expand my knowledge on the different type of applications.

B) Module 2 (Photo editing skills)

1. What do you like about this module?

I've been exposed to many new softwares that can be used for photo editing.

2. What do you not like about this module?

Some of the tutorials are not clearly stated on how it is done, so I have to think and come up with a new set of tutorial which is time consuming.

3. What do you like about the task given for this module?

It somehow helped me to practice my newly-acquired skills in photo editing as practice makes perfect.

4. What do you not like about the task given for this module?

photo editing is time consuming, especially when there are other works to be done.

5. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

I have learn how to join 2 pictures together,cropping pictures, adding texts on the images etc.

6. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

I can edit the picture to suit the topic that is going to be taught.

C) Module 3 (Audio editing skills)

1. What do you like about this module?

It contains with new softwares and applications for editing audio files which is great.

2. What do you not like about this module?


3.What do you like about the task given for this module?

I can apply the new skills in audio editing.

4.What do you not like about the task given for this module?


5. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

I learned to join 2 songs together, to change the songs' pitch, to increase tempo and to upgrade sound quality.

6. How the skills learned in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

I can edit song so that it suits the teaching context of the lesson.

D) Module 4 (Video editing skills)

1. What do you like about this module?

I've learned to edit video which I have never done before.

2. What do you not like about this module?


3. What do you like about the task given for this module?

I can practice the skills that I've learned from this module upon completing the tasks given.

4. What do you not like about the task given for this module?

Video editing is time consuming which is not a great thing as there are other work and assignments to be done.

5. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

I learned on how to convert raw videos to different video formats, extracting pictures, audio from video, joining different videos together.

6. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

I can edit the videos to suit with the learning contexts of the pupils. In fact, it is good to extract pictures from the videos used as they can help to trigger the pupils' interest upon the introduction of the learning, for example.

E) Module 5 (Software for ELT)

1. What do you like about this module?
It helped me to enhance my skill on using MS publisher as it is one of the rarest apps that I use on my laptop.

2. What do you not like about this module?


3. What do you like about the task given for this module?

It gave us personal experience to create own brochures, pamphlets, business card etc.

4.What do you not like about the task given for this module?

Too much of works to complete the tasks.

5. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

I learned on how to make calendars, business card, brochures, envelope etc.

6. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

I can make use of the skills learned from this module especially during my teaching times at school when there is a function held at the school, I can make a banner or brochures for the event.

10. If you can change anything about this course, state what it is and elaborate?

about changing anything about this course, I cannot think much. Maybe just improving on the group work. I know that it will be fair if we work with different people but sometimes this also makes us difficult to work. This is because, we choose to work with group that we think it is easier for us to divide work and meet to complete work, if we always changing group, it really confuses us and also a little bit difficult to meet and take time for us to get together. So, I think it is better for us to stick in one or maybe two group only in the whole semester

and more thing, again, it is better if the modules were given earlier rather than giving it one by one until it reaches the end of the semester.

On a scale of 1-10, please rate your computing and technological skills for both before and after undergoing the course.

Before: 4 After: 7

another special entry... M-Learning...

So, what is M-learning?

Well, M-learning is very new to me although I’ve heard of it before. This is because the implementation of it here in Malaysia is very scarce. M-Learning is the use of mobile devices that helps to attain knowledge other that the traditional method of paper and pencil.

M-Learning =

1) Learning takes place anywhere at any time.

2) Learning is done through a technological medium e.g. Mobile phone.

3) No more books and pen.

Today’s younger generation are rapidly attaining technology unlike us a decade ago. But try and ask anyone of them, what they really do with the technology that they have now, especially their mobile phones. A majority will answer, “To text”, “call”. Most of these youths never get the idea of using their mobile phones for instance, for learning.

And honestly, it goes the same for me. But I was raised with the traditional method of learning. This workshop has really open up a new horizon to me in attaining new knowledge. I have a smart phone, but all I do is the same with my old phone, texting and calls. But after this workshop, I started to use my phone to browse get information on topics taught previously and many more.

M-Learning is still new, but I do hope it catches on here in the Malaysian education system.

The Opportunities That You Think May Benefit You As A University Student.

For a varsity student like me, technology is very important as the knowledge moving a little bit faster than usual. It’s not only about books anymore, but the knowledge is available on the digital world. Moreover, the technology that keeps on improving day by day, and there are many apps that are develop to help us in learning. In today’s digital world, think these three item or services is essential, they are:

1) The internet

2) Laptops/Pc’s

3) Mobile phones

Out of all three items, I think mobile phones has a really huge impact if it were not invented in the first place. The evolution of mobile phones and all the apps that if offers to make lives easier are available within a single click of a button. This encourages the growth of M-learning as most mobile phones nowadays offer internet access wherever you want.

Now, what do mobile phones offer in encouraging M-Learning?

First of all, it offers us the luxury of browsing the internet at anytime and anywhere we want. This surely would help us to get the information needed on a certain subject easily rather than going to the library or switching on your laptop before starting to browse for information. Thus, time is saved.

Moreover, I could start taking notes using my mobile phones as it has a pocket Microsoft word application installed, and most phones has a note taking application. So, no more hassle with pen and papers anymore.

I could also now start to Moblog. Moblogging is taking pictures or videos using your mobile phones and uploading it instantly. During the lectures given, the teaching team once asked us to bring a camera along for the class. They then asked us to start taking pictures. Any pictures as it could help us when writing an entry for our googlesite as pictures tells a thousand words. But Moblogging requires some other platform to upload pictures or videos directly. But it’s not that hard.

Lastly, I could stream for videos over in Youtube with my phone. This help me in finding related video to the subject taught or just for me to watch any video during my leisure time that is available. Furthermore, if they were video conferencing done over the internet, this phone would surely enable me to join with the suitable application.

Overall, the topic has opened a new window for me in term of implementing technology into my own learning, and continuing it with my future student.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

14th Week - The end of the Journey of collecting resources for the ESL class...

so, here I am...the second last week of the semester...but still...has modules to be completed...Module 5 has just been given out and I haven't managed to finish it...none the less, there is still one more week to complete it..

as for the individual work for module 4, I've decided to use a song by a malaysian artist, Faizal Tahir - Satu Malaysia.

the song was solely dedicated to the unity of the citizen of Malaysia.... so, it has a very close relationship with the topic that my group has chosen for this module's task.

for the pair work, I and Liyana had came up with a video entitled "The Environment"...the video was created using collections of pictures from the internet with some editing done to it and integrated with the legendary popstar, Michael Jackson's song - Earth song.
I and Liyana first chose a topic to work on which was "Saving our environment" for the year 5...

so, here is the video

hoped you enjoy the video and gained a valuable input from it...

until then..

my last entry for this semester....


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

13th Week - Module...module....module....and more module!

ok, in today's class, we received another set of module which is the second last module that we are going to get. This mean there's still a set of module that has not been given which is nodule 5, and it's already the 13th week!!!!!

hope there's going to be an extension for the handing in of the module...there's no way that I'm going to be able to complete all the works by the end of the 14th week...huuuuuuuuuuuuuu

ok...this module basically consist of tutorial for video editing...

here's are what's in this module:

1) Any Video Converter

2) BS player

3)Cyberlink PowerDVD

4) FLV to AVI Converter

5) Free Studio

6) HJ-Split

7) Image Grab

8) Power Video Cutter

9) Prism Video Converter

10) Real Player

11) Riva FLV Encoder

12) SID Video Cutter & Splitter

13) VCD Cutter

14)Windows Media Player

15)Online Downloader

wow..that is sure one long list of software for video editing....

more work I suppose.....

until next time~!


Monday, October 18, 2010

12th Week - E-Books

wow, time do sure pass by when your are really occupied with something to do....

assignmnets are rising like Mount Santubong, but with little time to do it.

and now there's another task to be done...we are to create an E-book in pairs and me and Liyana decided to create an E-book based on animals.

Before proceeding to the process of creating our e-book, Pn. Foziah showed us some examples and the criteria of how an e-book should be.

So, in brief, an e-book should have:

1) a theme for its storyline.

2) setting (time and place)

3) a plot that shows the conflict, climax and resolution for the storyline

4) characterization (characters in the story)

5) navigational tools to make sure that the slides can work properly

6) clear and colorful pictures to portray the storyline

7) sound effects that come together with the e-book reading.

It was indeed a big help when Pn.Foziah showed us some examples of e-book with a brief information on how to create a good one. That me and my partner had some inspiration and ideas to create ours in a way that will be useful to the pupils' learning. In fact, with all the skills learned from photo editing in Module 2, we managed to edit the pictures that were to be inserted in our e-book.

As it is copyrighted, I decided to insert only the first page of the e-book entitled 'Going To the Zoo'. He he.

So, here is an overview of our e-book:

A trip to the zoo by a boy with his father and little sister. He shared his experience as he described the animals that he saw.

After coming out with the storyline and preparing the first draft of the e-book, we consulted Pn.Foziah for her words of wisdom. Yes, there were few changes that needed to be done.

After the consultation time, she showed us some edited videos of Chun and Ella that were made by their fans out there. She informed us that later we are to create one for each pair. Also these videos are samples for one of the tasks that are meant for Module 4, where we are going to deal with video editing. The videos gave us some basic ideas on how to create a video on our own.

And for the task, my partner, Liyana and I decided to choose 'Pollution' as the theme for our video editing task. just wait for the next post on it ok...

And as expected, Puan. Foziah gave us the addition for module 2..hoooooooooooooorah!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

special entry!


The challenges that will be faced when implementing the new curriculum is that it is mostly based on ICT. KSSR uses a lot of ICT in the practice of teaching. some might find it as a very good and advance step in implementing ICT since it will make learning more fun with loads of resources to be found on the web. but for others, it might be a burden, especially those in the rural areas. it is not that as if i'm trying to look down on those who lives out of contact of the updated world today, but it's to say that they will need to put an extra hard work since some of pupils or even teachers in the rural areas are not use to using ICT in the teaching and learning session. internet connection is also very scarce in these particular part of the country, so works is needed to be done to provide better internet connections. for those school in rural areas who is by chance is lucky to be equipped computers and so forth, they might not be enough computers to use in schools and some might be outdated. this indirectly will cost the government millions to keep the KSSR real and practical to be implemented.

Another challenge is on the assessment of the pupils should the UPSR be abolished once and for all.

For this new curriculum, UPSR will be abolished in this new curriculum and they will then be assess on their performance since year 1 until year 6. In my opinion, it is very good when they want to start assessing since year 1. This helps them to keep track of the pupils development and achievement over the years and the stress and burden that these young people shoulders will be taken off. I can say this as i've experienced it myself during the days when i was living in the UK. the only major exam that we were going to take was GCSE but I didn't take the exam since i was already back in Malaysia.

The UPSR as far as I can say is to satisfy the parents as they will be very proud if their child gets the most A's and then starts comparing it with their neighbours or anyone else when the fact is that, its their child who had to go through all the troubles going to extra classes and carries those extra heavy textbooks to school. Parents would also be only focusing on their child when they got into standard 6 as its then that their children will take the exams at the end of the school year.

Although abolishing of the UPSR is somewhat a good thing, come thing that still lingers in my mind is that, how do they determines which school that these UPSR graduates will enrolled in. this is because most premier schools in Malaysia uses the UPSR to see whether they are eligible to be enrolled to a particular school. and also, with the UPSR gone, don't you think that the parents will lose interest in the achievement of their children and for teachers, they would lose the needs and interest to teach to the pupils since they will not need to prepare them for any exam and there is no more grades or the schools dignity to be kept high as most of the dignity comes from how good that the schools maintains the result.

Bear that in mind.

What strategies would you propose to overcome those challenges?

Ministry of Education(MOE) should held an ICT course for the teachers that is going to be involved in the implementation of the new curriculum. This helps them to be better equipped and enable them to help and teach other teacher with their expertise in ICT in their school. This will also makes sure that the government doesn't waste the citizens money by having a course for each batch of teachers.

For the places in the rural area, MOE could starts a place where the computer experts could teach the pupils and teachers computing and other ICT skills. All this will ensures that these people will not be lacking these particular skills since the implementation of the new curriculum will be mostly based on ICT and also ensures that all of the targets of the new curriculum is achieved. not to forget that the ministry must develop some kind of assessment that will replace the UPSR but does not mirrors what the UPSR is now.

To sum up, the changes implemented is done with the intention to moves us a step further to be a fully developed country as it will gives the future generation a better education. although the new curriculum is to paste a gaping holes in the current curriculum, it also has its flaw and still has a long way to go to prove its effectiveness. nonetheless, nothing is perfect, but try to take the positive out of everything in life so that you'll have a better one.

Monday, October 11, 2010

11th Week! Photo editing Task....

During the class, Puan Foziah asked us to show our task for photo editing..

Here a the photos that I've edited for this task...

This particular photo tells the story about me...I like to travel, so I edited pictures of me travelling places that I dream of going (the cliff is just an exaggeration!)

here's the next picture that I've edited..

I just love cars and motorsport...I did thought of becoming somekind of a racing driver but after a long thought, I think that it doesn't really holds a great future, so here I am...a teacher to be..

the pictures edited could also be use in the classroom..so the task is to help us to enhance our photo editing skills...


see you in the next post...

chill yaaaaaaaw!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

10th Week! Editing songs....

ok, for this class, Pn Foziah asked us to show to her what we have done for the audio editing task...

she asked us to cut a song and making it into a ringtone and to apply the effect of fading in and out prior and at the end of the cut audio...I've chose a song by an american duo, 3oh!3 - don't trust me

I've got a positive feedback from her as I've applied the fading in/out effect to the song and she pretty much liked it.

Task 1

for task to, I've decided to use songs by the same duo with the addition of Katy perry.


I used Audicity for this project and I tell you, this software has become really handy since I've using it a lot to cut song to make ringtones for my handphone.

ok, Task 3, Pn Foziah gave us a song sung by the great Dato' Siti Nurhaliza and the legendary M.Nasir - Dua Insan..

the song is a recorded audio from a live showcase and she asked us to remove the audience noise from the song so that it appears to a recorded in a studio. the task was quite difficult but i managed to get the task done.

so, there were time left after I had shown my tasks to Pn. Foziah, so I decided to finish the remaining tutorials of module 2...there's still a lot to be done and from what I hear, there's going to be some more addition to this module.....


until then,

keep chillin'!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

9th Week - At last! The Arrivals!!!! of module 2...ahahahahaha

As the title of this entry, we were finally given our 2nd module. I guess many of us can't wait for it because, the faster we are given the module, the quicker we get it done, although the workload would be as high as the Mount. Kinabalu..

ok, this module focuses on enhancing our photo editing skill and these softwares will help us to edit the selected photos, they are:

1) Triscape FXFoto

2) ACDSee

3) Photoscape

4) PhotoBucket

Pictures edited could be useful in making the picture to be be suitable to the topic taught in the form of a teaching resources.

There are also task given within the module, wait for my edited pictures!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8th Week - Modules!!!! The sequel!

With the completion of Module 1, Puan. Foziah handed to us the next module that we paid for. But it's the 3rd module. according to her, module 2 is not completed yet to be handed out to us. So she does not want to waste anymore time by proceeding with the 3rd module.

The 3rd module consist of tutorials on audio editing in helping us to enhance our audio editing skills which then can be used as part of our teaching resources.

Here are what's inside the module:

1) changing speed, pitch cut and joining audio for making better quality audio files.

2) decreasing and increasing music tempo.

3) removing noise from audio, upgrading the quality of audio files.

4) converting and encoding audio files

5) changing the type of audio files from wav to mp3

6) creating minus one

7) combining two songs

8) editing music and sound

9) saving and uploading songs

The editing is to be done by using audio editing softwares which could be downloaded from the internet for free and installed on to our laptop.

Audio editing softwares such as:


b)Sony Pro Vegas


are to be used in the tutorials..so, I better get going with these works as there are task to be completed within the modules given and all are to be submitted after the raya break....


Until then,

chill peeps!

Monday, August 23, 2010

7th week - Lifeline...Pheeeeeeeeew!

So, I have been working on the module, but there a still lots to do...

and to my suprise, Pn.Foziah said that we could continue working on the module.


and I think many of us has not completed the modules yet since we are occupied with other assignments.

So, in today's class, I fully utilized the free time given today to further more complete my module.

-Another Special Entry-

“Current Demands for Education Content – Teachers and Students’ Perspective.”
by Dr. Raja Maznah.

The content of the lecture is for us to prepare for the coming impact on the implementation of the new curriculum into the existing curriculum that is being use in the country. There will be challenges in implementing the new curriculum which is the KSSR, so a few line of strategies have been laid out to overcome those challenges. The new curriculum consist of 4M (membaca - reading, menulis - writing, mengira - counting, menaakul - reflecting). the first three elements of tht 4M is very familiar, but menaakul (reflecting) is new.

With respect to the those who came up with the existing curriculum, it still has it's flaws. the current curriculum is bringing the students up with the obsession of passing the exams with flying colors. this also shows that most students doesn't really cares knowledge is being fed to them as long as they are able to answer and pass the exams. National level exams such as UPSR, PMR, and SPM are the borders of achieving something great in life, so the pupils even went to tuition after school hours to equip themselves with the answer for the exams.

with such busy schedule, the pupils are not even reflecting on what they have learn in class thus making them an exam robots. with the implementation of the new curriculum, it is hoped that the students will be more reflective than before by critically thinking on the lessons taught. the implementation also helps to fulfill our national philosophy that requires them to excel in every aspects, which is intelectually, spritually, emotionally and physically (JERI)

the new curriculum will also leave out the UPSR examination taken by standard 6 primary schoolers. instead, the pupils will be assessed from standard 1 until 6 in which the area that they will be assessed are their aptitudes, cognitive ability and also their behaviour.

Thinking Outside the Box - A Special Entry


Thinking outside the box is a helpful state of mind when trying to come up with a solution to a problem. It is a way of looking at something and turning it on it on its head in order to come up with a new answer. The technique of thinking outside the box has been used for many years by businesses and creative types in order to achieve originality. Thinking outside the box can also bring new life to old ideas.

Thinking outside the box is also taking a stand against the normal. Outside the box thinkers are open to new ways of looking at things. They are able to take risks and to look at things from a different perspective. Thinking outside the box does not mean designating the old way of doing things as wrong; it simply means not being afraid to try something that seems different.

Thinking outside the box is like solving a puzzle using an answer no one else has thought of. Using the normal route to a solution is called thinking inside the box and is usually the safest route. To think outside the box, you must be willing to face ridicule and scorn from people who cannot see things from a new perspective. In many cases, thinking outside the box is not an easy option, but some of the most inventive, brilliant and simple ideas have come from people who were willing to take a stand and implement ideas against the advice of others.

Thinking outside the box requires different attributes that include:

* Willingness to take new perspectives to day-to-day work.
* Openness to do different things and to do things differently.
* Focusing on the value of finding new ideas and acting on them.
* Striving to create value in new ways.
* Listening to others.
* Supporting and respecting others when they come up with new ideas.


How Would I Guide My Future Students To Think Outside The Box?

Give freedom/explore

In order to assist the pupils to think outside the box, teacher should gives freedom to the pupils to think and do anything that they want. By letting the pupils to think freely, we are asking the pupils to think for themselves in order to solve something that they have encountered during the process of learning. Moreover, we are letting the pupils’ creativity runs loose which are a great thing for the young learner’s as they are still developing their critical thinking skill. All the teacher needs to do is observe from far and gives some guidance to the pupils should they veer of track. Let the children explore the world and all the possibilities for themselves.


When the pupils are thinking creatively and critically outside the box to solve a problem, we as educators should be by their side, giving any guidance should we feel that the pupils are heading towards the wrong direction. Teacher could implement this by asking simple question regarding the topic taught. Remember, do not prompt question that will inevitably gives the answer to the pupils. Next step is to have faith in your pupils that they will be able to solve the problems by themselves. Furthermore if the pupils find it too easy to come out with a solution, challenge them with an even tougher question or problems to be solved. This surely will keep the pupils on their toes to keep thinking for a solution.


If you notice that your pupils are making mistake, first of all, let them notice it for themselves. Don’t ever straight away tell the pupils that they are making a mistake. This will dent the pupils’ awareness of the mistakes that they are making and it is not helping the pupils to make mistake. Teacher could tell the pupils prior to giving the task out not to be afraid of making mistake because we learn best from our own mistakes.

Above all, God has given to us human a gift that no other living creatures got…and it is our mind. So we should we thankful and make full use of it because it is a priceless gift that is only given once.

Friday, August 13, 2010

6th Week - Module 1 (Computer and Internet Skills)

In today’s class, as stated on the scheduled, we were handed with our 1st module of the semester.

This module consists of tutorial for sprucing up our internet skill. Not to brag, but, I think that many of us has already attained these sort of skill since we have already been exposed to the internet for over a few years now. But maybe there are some things still to be learn.

So here are the skills taught in the tutorials from the modules:

1) Compressing Files

2) Uploading Files

3) Downloading Files

4) Encoding Files

5) Storing Files

6) Burning Files

7) Scanning Files

8) Sending E-mails

9) Web Search

Like I’ve said, there are some skills that I think is not necessary like storing files, but maybe it has some other alternatives of storing files. This module is rather thick, so I better get going! I don’t want to be held up as there are loads of assignments to be completed!

Until then…

Chill peeps!

Monday, August 9, 2010

5th week - Technological Teaching Aids

New week, new topic.

In today’s class, we were given the opportunity to expand the use of our teaching aids, of which we have only been using only traditional aids such as picture or word cards and so on. So, we were taught by Puan Foziah on how to use technological based teaching aids as this would help to spruce up our teaching and as especially we are going to teach young learners, the exposition of these technology based teaching aids, it would help to attracts their interest towards the lesson.

For this task, we were told to pair up with a partner from different gender as Pn. Foziah do not us to be working with the same people and to mix around with the other.

That won’t be such a problem to me since the class is only limited to my course mates and for this task, I paired up with Liyana. We’ve worked together before in the past, at the teacher’s training college, so, working with her is a bonus as I know how she works.

Both of us got on with our work after receiving it, and I tell you, finding and integrating all these technological teaching aids into our teaching has widened my perspective on teaching aids. I and Liyana had chosen these three topics for this particular task:

1- Healthy Living

2- Family First

3- Wonderfully Made

Who would have thought, e-books, musics, videos and games would have be a great teaching aids to be use as a teaching aids, but with the right implementation.

Working on this task made me realize that we need to spruce up my teaching and as I’m teaching in a new era with a new group of young learners who is brought up in this world, already exposed to all the technological wonders, I need to fully equipped myself with all the appropriate technological knowledge since I do not want to be left behind and laughed at by my own pupils.

Furthermore, the skill of implementing technological teaching aids into my teaching and also making it to work with the traditional teaching aids. These helps making my teaching to be more effective and with all the teaching aids, it lets the pupils to understand better on the topic taught.

Moreover, as a future teacher myself, I should use more modern teaching aids. Modern teaching aids are used to make learning sessions interactive and motivating. Nowadays, classes are equipped with modern teaching aids such as Interactive Whiteboards, visualizer, response system, projectors and educational software etc. Teaching with modern teaching aids is essential in the technological age. Many subject topics can be taught better and in more depth with modern teaching aids. Teachers must use various types of modern teaching aids to connect with students. Modern teaching aids incorporate audio-visual techniques that influence the interest and memory of students.

Until then,

Chill peeps!

Monday, August 2, 2010

4th Week - Class CANCELLED!

I got up this morning and were bout to get ready for class..

Then, Hazwan -

thats him, burning some "lemang" during recent raya haji...

my group leader for this subject, who is also my housemate got a call from Puan Foziah, telling us that today's class is CANCELLED!

I repeat... CANCELLED!!!


You didn't hear me?

ok, for the last time "TODAY'S CLASS IS CANCELLED!!!!!!!!!"

So, what I did was, I went for a short walk at Tasik Permaisuri..

a bit of fresh air would do the trick since I have not been getting enough sleep, but getting back to bed was not my option since I won't be able to get back up then.


well, there are other assignments to be done, and this could only be the only time for me to have a little bit of relaxation from my hectic life as a student..

until then...

chill peeps!

Friday, July 30, 2010

3rd Week - Presentation on "Teaching English in the Primary Classroom

This lesson was different with the previous classes because Pn.Foziah told us to sit in a group and prepare for a presentation after receiving our text book entitled ‘Teaching English in the Primary Classroom’ by Susan Halliwell.

Then Pn.Foziah told us to open chapter 1 which is ‘Working with Young Language Learners’. Since chapter 1 consists of six subtopics, all of us were divided into 6 groups and each group took one subtopic. My group was assigned to take the second subtopic entitled ‘Children’s creative use of limited language resources’. So, six of us divided ourselves into 2 small groups after reading that part. Three of us prepared for the power point presentation while the other three browsed for additional information as Pn.Foziah asked us to insert the URL as our referent if we quoting others information from the internet.

Based on this subtopic, I understand that children are very creative in using grammatical forms and concepts for example a four years old British child said ‘don’t unring’ the phone and ‘switch off the dark’ when he wanted the light put on.

These are the 6 components:

Children's ability to grasp meaning:

For young learner, they usually make sense of their learning if teacher teach concrete vocab items that include well-illustrated teaching aids. These meaningful learning experiences make children enable to grasp meaning easily.

Children's creative use of limited language resources:

Children's vocabulary is very limited. Therefore, young learner initially learn chunk of language@baby talk in an unanalyzed way. They are trying to use as creative as possible their limited language resources in order to make others get the meaning and as a way of communication with others.

Children's capacity for indirect learning:

Learning occurs in 2 ways-direct & indirect learning. Children often appear to learn in indirect experiences. They acquire certain knowledge and skills subconsciously. The best part of children learning is when they have some fun during TnL process. Creating a non-threatening atmosphere is very essential for them.

Children's instinct for play and fun:

Children like to play. Having fun is the best thing that happened in their life. Thus, learning in a fun environment helps them acquire knowledge better.

The role of imagination: Children who actively use their imagination gain lots of benefits such as playing collaboratively and become a creative-thinking person.

The instinct for interaction and play. Children always want to interact and play. Hence, their instinct can be used in educated way to engage learning in them.

The discussion was completed by creating a slideshow for the given topic. we were asked to create a slideshow in order to explain the given topic. we need to present our finding and discussion. but, due to limited time and some 'interesting event' happened,we were unable to present our topic.

Despite the facts that we were not able to present our part, there are still lots of input into my knowledge on childrens' learning. This is very helpful in assisting me in my future teaching.

until next time....

chill peeps!

Monday, July 26, 2010

new week, new topics..

Damn I'm lame with blogging!

Can’t even think of a creative title for each post!

Ok, serious mode now.....

It's the second week, and Pn.Foziah gave us an introduction of how to type properly..And FASTER! i never knew that there's a particular way to place your finger on the keyboard. For instance, the pointing finger of each hand is supposedly place on the "F" key (left hand) and the other one on the "G" (right hand). This is new! ahahahaha.. Like they say, you'll never ever stop learning regarding all your qualifications!

She also gave us the software that we can use to practice our typing skill and I'm working on it! (its really hard to change your typing style tell u!)

So, that was it. Don't look much eh? It's still in the early days, hell is yet to come!

Owh, before I forget, we elected a class rep for our group, and here is a picture of him:

Apparently he's shy! So u can't see his face, (he's the one in white) sorry!

And here's the group's treasurer:

He won't give much cooperation either! He's a Sarawakian by the way

I guess that's all peeps! Keep chilling!